I speak fluent local authority, NHS and private and voluntary provider. I am still learning to listen and speak to people who use care and support services.
By providing extra strategic support paulrackham.org will build on the connections between people and their communities, and the small and large organisations that support them, working together to improve individual and community outcomes.
With a smile.
Paul Rackham offers the additional strategic support your organisation needs. Using skills and knowledge gained over 25 years working in social care and health. With an excellent reputation for integrity, partnership working and insight.
Get in touch for a confidential discussion on any or all of these elements of support.
Public, private and voluntary sector organisations working to deliver social care and health services face massive challenges now and in the future. Paul Rackham's strategic support enables you and the communities you work with to identify the priorities for today, the priorities for the future and successfully communicate these to the people who need to know.
Whether as the commissioning lead for the London Community Equipment Consortium or the lead for the specification for one of the largest Home Care tenders Paul Rackham always worked with community and user-led organisations to see the world from other perspectives. This ability to connect across organisational boundaries will ensure you get a whole system view.
If your organisation is struggling to make complex or quick decisions, Paul Rackham's strategic support will help. With experience of developing business cases and options appraisals, based on evidence of what works and what is important to communities, Paul Rackham will help you and your organisation make the big and small decisions needed.
Turning plans into action and ideas into reality in an everchanging world? Are there confusing boundaries between what you manage directly, what you manage indirectly and what you don't manage at all? Paul Rackham has worked in these environments for 25 years, knows what works and knows when to let go. Contract management, people management and project management can all be included in your strategic support package.
Experienced in board, committee and community reporting using a mixture of advanced report writing and presenting skills. If internal and external reporting is needed, contact Paul Rackham Strategic Support.
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